When it comes to improving your golf game, everyone’s an expert, even other beginners who don’t play any better than you. Get help from real experts. Golf For Dummies, Third Edition, features easy-to-follow instructions for hitting the ball farther and straighter, and shaving strokes off your game. It gives you:
Advice on adjusting your grip, stance, and swing
Helpful tips from the top players in the game
New methods for improving improve your short game
Exercises tailored to keep you fit and improve your game
The secrets of how to improve your memory are fascinatingly revealed by Tony Buzan. He teaches you how to improve your memory for names, numbers, dates and lists, and also for speeches, articles, poetry, and whole books. There are sections for card players, for people learning new languages and for those studying for exams, as well as an intriguing chapter on how to recall your dreams.
Have fun while getting fit! Here's how to get the most from your Wii Fitness system It's a perfect fit — Wii gaming fun designed to improve your overall health and fitness! The advice of these two personal trainers makes it even better. You'll learn to use Wii Fit Plus, EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer, and Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010. Find out how to create your own individualized workout and watch yourself improve!
Magazine printed in Germany for German-speaking people (NOT ONLY; all the entries/articles are in English, with some words/idioms translated into German) who want to improve their English.