Want to retain more of what you read, perform better on tests, or just remember where you left your car keys? Author Ron Fry's effective system has helped thousands of people successfully adapt today's best memorization techniques to their own needs and situations. Packed with quizzes designed to pinpoint your specific trouble spots--as well as proven strategies for any memory-based task-- IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY is the only book you need to improve your memory power for a lifetime.
Whether it’s an email, a handwritten card or a cover letter, using correct grammar and the right vocabulary will ensure the message is delivered clearly, concisely and effectively. Writing and reading periodicals, books or newspapers are fun and creative ways to improve grammar and vocabulary whilst gaining insight on compelling issues. Learning how to improve grammar and vocabulary doesn’t have to be challenging or confusing. With these 10 tips, anyone can improve grammar and become a better writer today.
Added by: Sparkling River | Karma: 26.18 | IELTS, Audio | 9 September 2012
IELTS Superior Speaking
IELTS SUPERIOR SPEAKING has been specifically designed for IELTS candidates whose first language is Chinese. However, like the series by Mat Allen and Mat Clark, this book is mostly written in English. It is another valuable material for those who want to improve their speaking skills for the forthcoming IELTS
Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success
A stunning new approach to how individuals can not only change their lives for the better in the workplace, but also their lives away from the office, including (but not limited to) finding ways to improve one's working relationship with others, one's overall health, outlook on life, and so on. For example, why is it that 95% of all diet attempts fail? Why do New Year's Resolutions last no more than a few days? Why can't people with good intentions seem to make consistent and positive strides in the way they want to improve their careers, financial fitness, physical fitness, and so on?