ENGLISHIN60 MINUTESLearn tocopein an hour with importanteverydaysituationsin English. The audio CDincludes: *The most important words, phrasesand sentencesinan entertainingstorywith lots ofsongs inEnglish * 5sceneswith 17catchysongsto sing along:
Here we go!-Onthe day!- Travel -Get to work!-Let's goeat?
Shy Children, Phobic Adults - Nature And Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder
Beidel and Turner have spent many years leading research in the various aspects of shyness and social phobia in children. This book is a compilation of work in that area. It is an important contribution to the literature. What makes it different from other books on social phobia is that it focuses not only on the developmental aspect of the condition but also on how to manage the condition in children as well as adults. Each component of effective treatment is discussed and treatment for children and adults is compared and contrasted. This fills many important gaps in the area of social phobia.
Real Life brings English to life and makes learning English enjoyable and achievable through practical tasks and evocative topics. Real Life gives students English to talk about issues that are important to their lives.
This book provides a concise and coherent overview of Marx, ideal for undergraduates who require more than just a simple introduction to his work and thought. Covering the full range of Marx's works and ideas, introducing all the key concepts and themes in Marxism, this book is an invaluable aid to study.It is widely acknowledged that Karl Marx was one of the most original and influential thinker of modern times. His thought has inspired some of the most important political movements of the past century and still today has the power to arouse controversy today.