Trying to do it all, be it all and have it all is exhausting, but it has become normal to expect this from our lives. All too often people push themselves until they burn out, only to find that the things they struggled for were never that important. Less is More shows you how to find more time and energy to enjoy the things in life that really do matter. By making small changes in the way you live, you can simplify your life, reduce your stress and improve your health and happiness.
What were they thinking? Ever since Adam snacked on the forbidden fruit and was chased naked out of the Garden of Eden, mankind has bitten off a bevy of bad ideas. From skinny-dipping Presidents to toxic tooth fillings to singing pop stars who can't carry a tune, 100 of the Worst Ideas in History is a celebration of humanity's historical—and often hysterical—missteps that have started wars, sunk countries, wrecked companies, scuttled careers, lost millions, and even endangered the Earth.
It is well known that Einstein founded twentieth-century physics with his work on relativity and quanta, but what do we really know about these ground breaking ideas? How were they discovered? What should we retain today from the conceptual upheavals he initiated? Through a selection of concrete scenes taken from Einstein's life, the author offers a view into the formation of his theories, as well as reminders of the day-to-day applications of his ideas.
MOJOtweet140 Bite-Sized Ideas on How to Get and Keep Your Mojo
Mojo happens the moment we do something that's purposeful, powerful, and positive, and the rest of the world recognizes it. '#MOJOtweet' by New York Times best-selling author Marshall Goldsmith reveals how we can create Mojo in our lives, maintain it, and recapture it when we need it.
In this book, you will explore the vital ingredients for building Mojo--identity, achievement, reputation, and acceptance--and realize the five qualities necessary to do an activity well--motivation, knowledge, ability, confidence, and authenticity.
The Nine Billion Names of God: The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke, 1951-1956 (Audiobook, mp3)
With so little serious sf currently available on unabridged audio, the release of this comprehensive collection of Clarke's short stories is an occasion for celebration, for he is an undisputed master of hard sf, that which combines creative storytelling with ideas grounded in plausible science. Clarke is, after all, best known as the writer behind 2001: A Space Odyssey, one of the few films that depicts space travel realistically.