 This long running series is your chance to enjoy a more thoughtful story telling than the traditional comic. |
Tags: Hellblazer, comic, Constantine, traditional, issue, telling, comic, Hellblazer |
 A contemporary thriller / horror comic book series. Suggested for mature readers only (over 13). |
Tags: hellblazer, comic, Constantine, readers, 13Hellblazer, issue, mature, comic |
 First issued in 1988, this is your chance to enjoy a more thoughtful story telling than the traditional comic. Edited by: stovokor - 9 January 2009Reason: :heart: :D :D :D
Tags: hellblazer, comic, constantine, traditional, Hellblazer, issue, telling, comic |
 Issues 206 to 210 of this long running series Edited by: Fruchtzwerg - 22 December 2008Reason: thumbnail of cover image created
Tags: hellblazer, comic, constantine, issue, seriesHellblazer, running, Issues, comic |
 Issue 181 to 185 of the long running mature comic book series.
Tags: comic, Hellblazer, issue, series, Issue |