Added by: goluboglazaya | Karma: 106.02 | Other | 15 August 2009
All of the jigsaw readings in the following folders are in sets of three, i.e. there are 3 different texts. The common factor in all of them is that they are (usually murder) cases to be solved by the students in your class, who have been asked by an overworked Sherlock Holmes to help him out. Each of the texts in each set contains different information; when this information is shared, it is possible to work out what happened. As you will see, the texts take the form of letters to Sherlock Holmes or newspaper reports.
Added by: arcadius | Karma: 2802.10 | Fiction literature | 15 August 2009
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (August 29, 1809 – October 7, 1894) was an American physician, professor, lecturer and author. Regarded by his peers as one of the best poets of the 19th century, he is considered a member of the Fireside Poets. His most famous prose works are the "Breakfast-Table" series, which began with The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table (1858). He is also recognized as an important medical reformer. Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, died in Boston, Massachusetts. New Link Added 25.02.2010 - DJVU Edition 7.97MB Check the MIRROR BOX
One look at an old hat, and Sherlock Holmes can tell you a lot about its owner. He sees - and thinks - a lot more than the people around him, and when a beautiful blue diamond disappears, Sherlock is the only man in London who can find it. --- Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond – история, адаптированная до уровня 1 (400 слов). Кроме собственно истории книга содержит ряд упражнений, предназначенных для лучшего усвоения материала. К книге прилагается аудио.
Revisiting Racialized Voice argues that past misconceptions about what constitutes black identity and voice, codified from the 1870s through the 1920s, inform contemporary assumptions about African American authorship. Tracing elements of racial consciousness in the works of Frederick Douglass, Charles Chesnutt, W.E.B. DuBois, Zora Neale Hurston, and others, David G. Holmes urges a revisiting of narratives from this period to strengthen and advance notions about racialized writing and to shape contemporary composition pedagogies
Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Fiction literature | 29 March 2009
In a confection featuring both Rumania's most famous legend and England's greatest detective, a stolid prose style could have been a virtue, an understated elegance. Yet the two voices of this novel--Prince Dracula's and Dr. Watson's, narrating events that befell Sherlock Holmes--are virtually indistinguishable and far too plodding to spice up a rather drab story. It is 1903, and Holmes has been engaged to investigate the drowning death of Louisa Altamont, fiancee of the young American journalist Martin Armstrong. During a seance conducted by the sister-brother team of Sarah and Abraham Kirkaldy, Louisa appears--and Holmes vanishes from sight. Meanwhile, Vladimir Kulakov, a pirate hanged in London 38 years earlier, has made a startling reappearance in St. Petersburg. Watson quickly enlists the aid of Prince Dracula, here Holmes's vampire cousin, to find Holmes and put matters to rights. Saberhagen (the Berserker series, The Holmes - Dracula Files ) intertwines his invented characters with existing literary personalities to an empty, if pleasant, effect: none of the made-up figures seems more than a caricature, although Sarah Kirkaldy's affair with Dracula does have its moments. Ardent Holmes and/or vampire fans may enjoy seeing their heroes in new situations, but others are advised to read the originals.