In presenting this English-Bisaya Grammar I do not pretend to be considered an author, my only aspiration is to be useful to my American brethren in the priesthood, in order that they in turn, may be so to the Bisaya people. The priest for the Bisaya people must be one who will devote all his attention to them, live among them, study their ways, their character, their tendencies, and therefore, the study of their dialect is absolutely necessary to him, since they, for the most part, do not know how to speak either Spanish or English. ..
Webster’s New World English Grammar Handbook
Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook covers all the basics of standard English usage in a concise, step-by-step format including the special "General Observation" feature that provides grammar rules and tips at a glance. This comprehensive reference is the perfect desktop reference for the non-writing professionals and students alike. Webster's New World English Grammar Handbook goes beyond the competition by providing special sections on writing, spelling, and punctuation as well as an extensive appendix on "Misused Words and Expressions."
Special features * wide variety of stimulating exercises * clear and attractive design * space for students to write answers * grammar boxes and examples of correct answers with most exercises for reference and guidance * detachable Answer Key * suitable for use in class or self-study.
In "Grammar Form and Function", high-interest photos provide a visual context within the grammar charts for learning and retaining new vocabulary and grammar. It features: flexible approach to grammar instruction that integrates study of new structures (form) with information on how to use them and what they mean (function); high-interest photos that contextualize new grammar and vocabulary and reinforce student recall;