Ćwiczenia i testy gramatyczno-leksykalne (Grammar & Vocabulary Exercises and Tests)
The book comprises numerous grammar and vocabulary exercises divided into 8 sections, designed as revision material for learners at B2-C1 learners, preparing for FCE, CAE, as well as Matura exam (extended version).
The eight chapters include:
1. Tenses and verb forms; 2. Grammar; 3. Paraphrasing; 4. Gap filling; 5. Translations; 6. Word formation; 7. Vocabulary; 8. Collocations.
Apart from one chapter (translations), the book can be used by any English speaker.
Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English (4th Edition)A revised and updated edition of the iconic grammar guide for the 21st century.
In this expanded and updated edition of Woe Is I, former editor at The New York Times Book Review Patricia T. O'Conner unties the knottiest grammar tangles with the same insight and humor that have charmed and enlightened readers of previous editions for years. With fresh insights into the rights, wrongs, and maybes of English grammar and usage, O'Conner offers in Woe Is I down-to-earth explanations and plain-English solutions to the language mysteries that bedevil all of us.
This book provides a critical review of the development of generative grammar, both transformational and non-transformational, from the early 1960s to the present, and presents contemporary results in the context of an overall evaluation of recent research in the field...