New Pass Trinity 5-6 & ISE I is a comprehensive B1-level course book and includes a wealth of preparation material for the popular ISE I exam. It is suitable for 14 year-olds and above.
New Pass Trinity 5-6 & ISE I is a comprehensive B1-level course book and includes a wealth of preparation material for the popular ISE I exam. It is suitable for 14 year-olds and above.
Teacher’s Book with guidance on how to approach different task types with students.
New Pass Trinity 5-6 & ISE I is a comprehensive B1-level course book and includes a wealth of preparation material for the popular ISE I exam. It is suitable for 14 year-olds and above.
Here is an excting collection of ready-to-use word puzzles and activity pages to help students to learn the first 300 Instant Words. These 300 words make up 65% of all written material in the English language and must be recognised "instantly" for efficient and fluent reading.
Reading for Every Child: Phonemic Awareness, Grades K-1
Based on national standards, No Child Left Behind legislation, and founded on the latest research, every teacher will be provided with instructional explanations and stimulating activities to facilitate and encourage life-long readers.
Teacher tips help students auditorally recognize and identify phonemes.