JOURNEYS Write-in Readers are consumable work texts that keep students interacting with text and focus on vocabulary and reading comprehension. They help struggling children reach grade-level competencies.
JOURNEYS Write-in Readers are consumable work texts that keep students interacting with text and focus on vocabulary and reading comprehension. They help struggling children reach grade-level competencies.
Fair Isn’t Always Equal: Assessing & Grading in the Differentiated Classroom
Rick Wormeli tackles the difficult subject of assessing and grading students in differentiated classrooms. The book is intended for all secondary teachers. It deals with issues such as: whether to incorporate effort, attendance, and behavior into grades; whether to grade homework; principles of successful assessment; how to create useful and fair test questions, including how to grade such prompts efficiently and more.
The Top 50 Questions Kids Ask (3rd through 5th Grade): The Best Answers to the Smartest, Strangest, and Most Difficult Questions Kids Always Ask
"If you've ever been stumped by a question your child has asked you, this book will help. Dr. Bartell identifies the 'hot-button' questions that consistently come up and actually provides the best possible answers to those questions so parents don't have to come up with them on their own on the spur of the moment" -Elisa Ast All, co-founder, iParenting Media and executive editor, Disney Mom & Family Portfolio
The Top 50 Questions Kids Ask (Pre-K through 2nd Grade): The Best Answers to the Toughest, Smartest, and Most Awkward Questions Kids Always Ask By Susan Bartell
"Finally, a book that answers all those questions we parents go in a cold sweat about! Dr. Susan tackles the tough ones such as money, shyness, siblings and religion. Plus, we get the psychology behind it all to better understand our kids. You'll find yourself using this book every day." -Pam Atherton, journalist and host of "A Closer Look" radio talk show