 Over the last decade, the notion of competition has come to play a major role in syntactic theory, particularly in minmalist and optimality-theoretic syntax. According to this view, a sentence can only be grammatical if it is "optimal" in a set of competing candidates with respect to a given evaluation metric-economy in the minimalist program. Focussing on the latter, the contributions in this book critically investigate the viability of competition in syntax. |
Tags: syntax, competition, Focussing, latter, program |
Added by: frelome | Karma: 98.70 | Coursebooks | 4 August 2009 |
Opportunities in Britain Workbook (Pre-Intermediate / Intermediate) Opportunities ensures the most effective language learning possible, by focussing specifically on the needs of the secondary school learner, especially those preparing for school-leaving exams.
Tags: Opportunities, secondary, school, needs, focussing, those, especially, preparing, learner |