Focus on RNE. Английский язык. Курс на ЕГЭ. 10-11 классы (+ CD)
Данное пособие является уникальным продуктом для российского книжного рынка. Пособие разработано, чтобы обеспечить выпускникам школы качественную помощь в подготовке к сдаче письменной и устной части ЕГЭ через комплексы различных упражнений, а также при помощи заданий в соответствии с демоверсией экзамена и повысить уровень владения английским языком в целом.
This completely revised International Express, with 100% new material, meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retains the popular student-centred approach and strong communicative focus, while adding a range of new features.
This completely revised International Express, with 100% new material, meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retains the popular student-centred approach and strong communicative focus, while adding a range of new features.
FOCUS is a five-level upper secondary course designed to align with the learning objectivesof the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework.
Interactive speaking videos accompany most of the speaking lessons, making them more attractive and dynamic. The goal of these videos is to help students focus on and practise functional language in everyday situations.
FOCUS is a five-level upper secondary course designed to align with the learning objectivesof the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework.
Interactive speaking videos accompany most of the speaking lessons, making them more attractive and dynamic. The goal of these videos is to help students focus on and practise functional language in everyday situations.