This book is the fifth of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. In this book you learn about special financial reporting topics, financial statement analysis, and the statement of cash flows. Topics include discontinued operations, extraordinary items, changes in accounting methods, and other comprehensive income. Important financial reporting ratios, such as earnings per share, price earnings ratio, and book value per share are discussed. Ratio and trend analysis are presented as tools to understand financial statement information.
Corporations in Evolving Diversity: Cognition, Governance, and Institutions
The 2008-9 financial crisis demands we look anew at the role of corporations, and the working of financial markets around the world. In this challenging and insightful book, one of our most eminent economists pres a compelling new analysis of the corporate firm; the role of shareholders, managers and workers; and institutional governance structures.
Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
An incisive look at the global economic crisis, our flawed response, and the implications for the world’s future prosperity. The Great Recession, as it has come to be called, has impacted more people worldwide than any crisis since the Great Depression. Flawed government policy and unscrupulous personal and corporate behavior in the United States created the current financial meltdown, which was exported across the globe with devastating consequences.
The essential reference for financial risk management Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, the Financial Risk Manager Handbook is the core text for risk management training programs worldwide. Presented in a clear and consistent fashion, this completely updated Fifth Edition-which comes with an interactive CD-ROM containing hundreds of multiple-choice questions from previous FRM exams-is one of the best ways to prepare for the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam.
Mastering Financial Calculations: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Mathematics of Financial Market Instruments
The easy hands-on guide to the math behind every key financial instrument and technique. * Financial market arithmetic — starting with the absolute basics. * Money and bond market calculations, zero-coupon rates, and yield curves. * Foreign exchange calculations, interest rate and currency swaps, options pricing, volatility, sensitivity, and more.