The final installment to this sequence of the Hugo Award-winning author's most successful series. Explorer follows a human delegate trapped in a distant star system facing a potentially bellicose alien ship.
Matura Explorer - nowatorski czteropoziomowy kurs do nauki języka angielskiego w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych, wszechstronnie przygotowujący do matury na poziomie podstawowym i rozszerzonym. Został stworzony zgodnie z wytycznymi nowej podstawy programowej. Od pierwszej lekcji łączy funkcje podręcznika i repetytorium. Gwarantuje wspaniałą przygodę z National Geographic i językiem angielskim.
With her cheerful nature, inquiring mind, and colorful fashion sense, adorable bilingual heroine DORA THE EXPLORER has charmed both pre-school-age children and their parents alike. Designed to simulate a computer game, the animated series follows the cute little Latina girl, her monkey pal Boots, and their anthropomorphic cohorts Map and Backpack as they set out on problem-solving adventures that encourage interaction and physical activity while teaching simple concepts such as counting, logic skills, and basic language.
An ancient secret. A lost city. A treasure that could change the world.
In search of a Spanish galleon in the Caribbean, archaeologist Finn Ryan and her partner Lord Billy Pilgrim find evidence of a lost Aztec Codex. The invaluable book created by 15th- century explorer and accused heretic Hernan Cortez is said to reveal the secret location of the lost City of Gold. But they are not alone in their quest.
Heidegger towers above this century as a thinker able to wrest insights from ancient texts (Plato, Heraclitus, and Parmenides) while simultaneously opening distinctively modern perspectives for contemporaries (Sartre, Tillich, and Arendt). With admirable erudition and sophistication, Safranski recounts the evolution of this giant from a cautious Catholic seminarian to a daring explorer of the depths of anxiety and alienation. A different kind of subtlety--more psychological than philosophical--comes into play in the analysis of why Heidegger veered from his quest for truth to serve Adolf Hitler.