Designed to be used hand-in-hand with the Coursebook, the Workbook has a whole BEC test at the back and BEC-style tasks throughout. Perfect for homework, it has a CD with all the Workbook audio so students can do listening practice at home. And of course lots of extra exercises related to the Course Book.
Treetops is a four-part course for children learning English at elementary level in primary school (6-7 years old). The book features cute characters, fabulous pictures, funny stories, easy songs, involving exercises, picturesque way of presenting British culture, and project tasks.
Treetops is a four-part course for children learning English at elementary level in primary school (6-7 years old). The book features cute characters, fabulous pictures, funny stories, easy songs, involving exercises, picturesque way of presenting British culture, and project tasks.
Trzyczęściowy kurs przeznaczony dla szkół państwowych, łączący naukę angielskiego z programem nauczania zintegrowanego.
Three-course designed for Polish schools, combines English language with many exercises+songs. English level: Beginner Ages: 7-9 lat/years ALL instructions are in Polish AND English, all exercises in English ONLY!