The Inequality Puzzle: European and US Leaders Discuss Rising Income Inequality
"The Inequality Puzzle" presents interviews with thirteen prominent business executives, politicians and labor leaders in the US and EU. Written in English for a non-academic audience, the book explores different policy approaches to rising income inequality in the United States and many European countries by considering the views of individuals respected for their judgement, expertise and substantial practical experience. Organized by the Roland Berger Stiftung, the book also presents analysis and recommendations by Stanford University’s Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality, and Roland Berger, Chairman, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.
From the Enlightenment and the French Revolution to colonialism in the Caribbean, Africa, and Southeast Asia, France has had a profound impact on the modern world. Famous for its cultural and political contributions to civilization, France now occupies a central role in the European Union, of which it is the largest member state. A Brief History of France offers a broad overview of the country's history, from the prehistoric Neanderthals to the present nation at the heart of the European Union, while also exploring the country's geography, culture, and society.
The European Union has initiated a number of trade agreements with emerging markets over the past decade. The high growth and fast development of market demand in the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America is seen as a major chance by European exporters to market their high value added products and services and to get access to investment opportunities in these countries. For the emerging markets, in turn, the EU is the major market for their rich natural resources and low wage manufactures.
Roger Crittenden reveals the experiences of many of the greatest living European film editors through his warm and perceptive interviews which offer a unique insight into the art of editing - direct from masters of the craft. In their interviews the editors relate their experience to the directors they have worked with, including: Agnes Guillemot- (Godard, Truffaut, Catherine Breillat) Roberto Perpignani- (Welles, Bertolucci, Tavianni Brothers) Sylvia Ingemarsson- (Ingmar Bergman) Michal Leszczylowski- (Andrei Tarkovsky, Lukas Moodysson) Tony Lawson (Nic Roeg, Stanley Kubrick, Neil Jordan) and many more...