With a wink and a blink four between-aged-girls, or is that five, are at it again in this second book from the "Beacon Street Girls" series. Readers of the first book won't miss a beat if they pick up and enjoy this book. While the beginning seems a bit slow because of the back matter needed for readers who did not read the first book,
With all the latest horticultural tips and techniques to guarantee success, Bamboo & Grasses is designed to meet the requirements of today's small garden owners who want to enjoy gardening while making the most of their time and effort.
This book provides a brief and accessible introduction to Greek tragedy for students and general readers alike. Whether readers are studying Greek culture, performing a Greek tragedy, or simply interested in reading a Greek play, this book will help them to understand and enjoy this challenging and rewarding genre. An Introduction to Greek Tragedy provides background information; helps readers appreciate, enjoy, and engage with the plays themselves; and gives them an idea of the important questions in current scholarship on tragedy. Ruth Scodel seeks to dispel misleading assumptions about tragedy, stressing how open the plays are to different interpretations and reactions.
Knitting 24/7: 30 Projects to Knit, Wear, and Enjoy, On the Go and Around the Clock
Women who knit often fill a variety of roles throughout the day, from worker or best friend, to mum or wife and though their lives may be busy, they are determined to find time to knit. "Knitting 24/7" is a collection of 30 stylish wardrobe items that fit into these typically busy lifestyles. The projects represent both what women want to wear, ranging from sweaters, scarves and shrugs to hats and mitts and what they actually have time to knit. The patterns are meant to be worked on in those lovely free moments throughout the day - during a commute to and from work or in the brief sanctity of a child's afternoon nap