Added by: willkei | Karma: 79.89 | Fiction literature | 13 September 2010
Ballard, J.G. - Empire of the Sun
The classic, award-winning novel, made famous by Steven Spielberg's film, tells of a young boy's struggle to survive World War II in China. Jim is separated from his parents in a world at war. To survive, he must find a strength greater than all the events that surround him. Shanghai, 1941 -- a city aflame from the fateful torch of Pearl Harbor. In streets full of chaos and corpses, a young British boy searches in vain for his parents.
Psychiatry and Empire (Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies)
Psychiatry and Empire brings together scholars in the History of Medicine to explore questions of race, gender and power relations in former colonial states across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
Despite the fact that its capital city and over one third of its territory was within the continent of Europe, the Ottoman Empire has consistently been regarded as a place apart, inextricably divided from the West by differences of culture and religion. A perception of its militarism, its barbarism, its tyranny, the sexual appetites of its rulers and its pervasive exoticism has led historians to measure the Ottoman world against a western standard and find it lacking.
It is March 1811, and Admiral Richard Bolitho is once again summoned to London from Cornwall. In defence of an Empire, the Admiralty must quell the unrest in America or face war with those who were once friends.
Dark family secrets, a long-lost love affair and a multi-million pound gaming business lie at the heart of Iain Banks' fabulous new novel . The Wopuld family have built their fortune on a board game called EMPIRE. It has transferred remarkably well to the computer generation and now the American Spraint corporation want to buy them out.