Soltan Gris, head of the Earth section of Voltar's secret police, is determin to stop Jettero Heller, a combat engineer who is trying to bring peace to th planet Earth.
The fantastic Mission Earth saga continues with Black Genesis, as the aliens implement their insidious plan to infiltrate Earth society. Every volume of the Mission Earth series has been a New York Times bestseller and a Literary Guild Alternate Selection. Get in on the profits b y cashing in on Mission Earth-Mania!
This is the first novel in Jean M. Auel's epic of life 35,000 years ago when two kinds of human beings, Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon, shared the Earth. It follows the story of Ayla, who is adopted by a group of Neanderthals.
Mediterranean Clay Pot Cooking - Traditional and Modern Recipes to Savor and Share
Most food—and Mediterranean food in particular—tastes better cooked in clay. Think of the difference in taste between organically grown fruits and vegetables and typical supermarket agribusiness produce. The former always taste better. Similarly, unglazed clay vessels are also organic, since clay is a form of earth. Food cooked in them acquires a natural taste. When I taste heirloom beans cooked in a clay pot on top of the stove, I find a special sweetness in them. Just as food cooked in a wood-fired oven acquires the taste and aroma of wood, so food cooked in an unglazed clay pot acquires the taste and aroma of the earth.
This lively and informative book introduces beginning readers to the Moon’s orbit around Earth, phases of the Moon and eclipses, the Moon’s effect on tides, and much more.