The beleaguered Tamul Emperor Sarabian needs his Elenian neighbours Sparhawk and Queen Ehlana if he is to defeat the vast conspiracy ranged against his ancient power. Most disturbing of all among his enemies are the Shining Ones, luminous beings that kill with a touch.
The first of "The Tamuli" trilogy which continues the adventures of Sparhawk. Having freed Queen Ehlana from the spell which threatened her life, Sparhawk returns to Elenia. However, Ehlana and Sparhawk's peaceful reign is destined not to last because unrest is brewing in the Tamul Empire.
Now in the final stages of their quest for his son, Garion and his companions travel to Kell to consult the only undamaged copy of the Malloreon Gospels. For centuries the Seers have guarded this book from the Grolims and even had their wizards put a curse on those who tried to enter Kell.
Garion and his companions continue their desperate search for Zandramas, the Child of Dark and abductor of Garion's baby son, Geran. Led by the orb from Mallorea to the island of Melcena, they discover the place the sardion once rested and also find Senji, a wizard.
David Eddings tells the story of King Garion's abducted infant son and his efforts to save him. Unfortunately, he and his friends are detained by the friendly, but determined Zakath, who refuses to let them leave. As a horde of demons ravage the Cities and a plague lets loose its terrors, Garion has little time left to reach his destination, or the kidnapper wins by default.