Dec 1974 The Isles Of The Pacific China Unveils Her Newest Treasures It contains articles about people, nature, the planet, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography.
The first single-volume reference work on the history and culture of medieval France, this information-filled Encyclopedia of over 2,400 entries covers the political, intellectual, literary, and musical history of the country from the early fifth century to the late 15th. The shorter entries offer succinct summaries of the lives of individuals, events, works, cities, monuments, and other important subjects, followed by essential bibliographies. Longer essay-length articles provide interpretive comments about significant institutions and important periods or events. The Encyclopedia is thoroughly cross-referenced and includes a generous selection of illustrations, maps, charts, and genealogies
Nov 1974 Guatamala: Maya & Modern The Red Sea's Sharkproof Fish 2300 Year Old Greek Ship Reaches Port At Last It contains articles about people, nature, the planet, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography.