Software with additional grammar, vocabulary, communication activities and games. Originally, an element of the New English Zone 1, an English course intended for the fourth grade in Polish schools (11-year-old beginners). However, it works very well as an interesting way to revise the material with every course book you use.
Note: Exercises are in English, but instructions in Polish!
The course in this volume asks the fundamental questions: What is writing (and what might it be for those entering the university), what are its possible uses (both inside and outside the academy), and how it might be valued (what makes
writing good, and good for what)? The course described in these pages was developed in the context of the distinctive and influential NYU writing program. And from within that program, Kristin Dombek and Scott Herndon have created an intriguing and compelling course, one they have designed and taught and presented to others, a course that negotiates the wonderful (and surprising) conjunction of grammar, theory, and popular culture. In the current academic market, books like this are few and far between. It is not a textbook, yet it is a book addressed to teachers
and students.
New Headway Pronunciation Course - это уровневый курс постановки произношения. Его можно использовать как параллельно с занятиями по учебнику Headway, так и занимаясь по другому курсу. New Headway Pronunciation Course выпускается для четырех уровней: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate и Upper-Intermediate. По нему можно заниматься как в классе, так и самостоятельно. В каждом из уровней рассматриваются основные звуки, интонация, беглая речь и другие аспекты фонетики английского языка. При этом материал каждой книги основывается на лексике и грамматике соответствующего уровня. Этот учебник можно использовать как вводный курс фонетики на начальном уровне изучения английского языка и на более поздних уровнях.
A course in English pronunciation to complement New Headway. The units can stand alone. Nice cartoons with gentle sense of humour. The authors must be real professionals: they have included a mixture of phonemes that different nationalities find difficult; and a range of Stress, Rhythm and Intonation subjects all covered in a very practical way and including times and dates.
This is a practical and imaginative addition to the New Headway. It helps students to express themselves clearly and confidently by training them in the key areas of pronunciation. There is practice of individual sounds, with a guide to suitable exercises for speakers of particular languages. There is a focus on lexical sets. Training is given in stress and intonation patterns for accurate, functional use. Help is provided with the features of connected speech.
Child and Adolescent Development: An Advanced Course offers students explorations of issues at the forefront of this field. Unique both in the depth of its coverage and in the timeliness of the research that it presents, this comprehensive text conveys the field of child and adolescent development through the voices of scientists who themselves are now shaping the field. Their voices add a lively energy to the important topics discuss.
Taken together, the book's chapters cover development in the biological, cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, moral, personality, emotional, and aesthetic domains.
This course, divided into 5 units is an excellent tool for a conversation based Business course. It helps students at pre-intermediate level to find confidence in speaking freely in business situations. Each unit can be used independently, or the course can be used as a whole.
One shortfall of the course is that if you are teaching a class with a mixture of students, some who have already started working, and some who have not yet entered the job market, it is sometimes difficult to follow the tasks set. A little imagination is required on the part of the teacher!