How To Read Music is a self-contained audio-visual tutor. Throughout the course of the ten lessons, you will learn the basics of sight reading as well as the general principles of music theory. Lessons are arranged so that the new ideas of increasing complexity are systematically introduced. These are reinforced by frequent reading and listening exercises. By the time you complete the course you should find that you are equipped with enough knowlegde to work your way through some of the most demanding pieces of music.
Aspect In Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus-based Study (Studies in Language Companion Series)
Added by: torebay | Karma: 0.00 | Black Hole | 10 December 2009
Mandarin Chinese as an aspect language has played an important role in the development of aspect theory. Nearly all of the major works on aspect theory make reference to Chinese. We decided to write this book because we felt that in spite of the importance of Chinese to aspect theory the exploration of aspect in Chinese, and by association aspect theory, was incomplete. Hence we began the work presented in this book which gives what we believe to be an accurate and complete account of aspect in Mandarin Chinese, encompassing both situation aspect and viewpoint aspect.
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Complete Idiot's Guide To Grammar And Style 2nd Edition
Added by: vicktorx | Karma: 41.03 | Black Hole | 4 December 2009
This book provides solid information about how and when to use grammatical rules, valuable style tips, definitions, and examples that will have you writing stellar sentences in no time at all.
Whether you're writing a novel, a magazine article, term paper, or giving a speech,
"'An invaluable resource offering practical and comprehensive answers. Recommended.' Overseas Jobs Express 'a nuts-and-bolts US immigration book that's really worth a look.' Emigrate Magazine 'A complete handbook for individuals, investors and human resource managers.' Euro Business"
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Vitamins and Minerals covers all the latest research and developments in vitamins, minerals, and supplements in the last six years. It features significant new information on Vitamins A and E, folate, and glycosamine, among many others, and sets the record straight on much of the conflicting information out there on this subject.