Taught by prof. Richard Wolfson Middlebury College Ph.D., Dartmouth College
Тем, кто готовится обучаться или стажироваться в американских или британских университетах, а также всем образованным людям , интересующимся не только своей специальностью, но также проблемами науки и научного мировоззрения, мы предоставляем возможность попрактиковаться в восприятии на слух лекций научного характера.На сей раз перед нами "научно-популярный" курс проф. Ричарда Вольфсона, посвящённый разъяснению двух концепций, в начале XX века изменивших представления об устройстве мира:
College Unbound: The Future of Higher Education and What It Means for Students What is the value of a college degree? The four-year college experience is as American as apple pie. So is the belief that education offers a ticket to a better life. But with student-loan debt surpassing the $1 trillion mark and unemployment on the rise, people are beginning to question that value. Is a college diploma still worth pursuing at any price?
The Shadow Scholar: How I Made a Living Helping College Kids Cheat
Last fall, a writer using the pseudonym Ed Dante wrote an explosive article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, confessing to writing term papers for a living. Technically, they are "study guides," and the companies that sell them-there are quite a few-are completely legal and easily found with Google. For about $10-20 a page, Dante's former employers will give you a custom essay, written to your specifications. During Dante's career, he wrote made-to-order papers for everything from introductory college courses to Ph.D. dissertations.
"Tough-minded, richly detailed, Christine Froula's engaging argument compellingly situates Woolf at the heart of modernism's Enlightenment project. 'Thinking is my fighting,' Woolf wrote; Froula brilliantly does the same, challenging us to take seriously Woolf's provocative assertion that 'this civilisation... depends upon me.'" -- Brenda R. Silver, Dartmouth College.
Written for students who need a refresher on Plane Euclidean Geometry, Essentials of Geometry for College Students, Second Edition, incorporates the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards on geometry, modeling, reasoning, communication, technology, and deductive proof. To make learning interactive and enjoyable, this new edition includes exciting new features such as Technology Connections and Hands-on Activities. Knowledge of beginning algebra and a scientific calculator are required for this text.