Funny Read-Aloud Plays With Leveled Parts: 12 Reproducible, High-Interest Plays That Help Students at Different Reading Levels Build Fluenc
Help build the oral fluency of even the most reluctant readers with high-interest plays that provide the repeated practice students need to read with speed, automaticity, and expression. This collection of funny plays is designed to help keep kids interested and focused. And with parts at different reading levels, every student in the class can have a chance to participate. Includes background and suggestions for building fluency and comprehension. For use with Grades 4-6.
Beyond Decoding - The Behavioral and Biological Foundations of Reading Comprehension
What cognitive processes and skills do children draw on to make meaning from text? How are these capacities consolidated over the course of development? What puts some learners at risk for comprehension difficulties?
This authoritative volume presents state-of-the-science research on the behavioral and biological components of successful reading comprehension.
I Don't Get It: Helping Students Understand What They Read
Literacy continues to be a hot topic for educators and parents. I Don't Get It! Helping Students Understand What They Read is a practical, easy-to-use resource for classroom teachers and literacy coaches. Parents will also find the information helpful as they assist their children with homework and support for reading comprehension. This book will help to improve student literacy by offering a variety of strategies designed to help students think as they read printed text.