This book is directed to all those concerned with the experience of learning and demonstrates how teachers in particular can make learning more efficient and effective for all students.
This book addresses an all-too-common experience for teachers: trying to reach students who have developed negative attitudes toward themselves and school. The authors present motivational strategies for use with individual students and in classroom management, building on thought-provoking new theories of motivation.
Mathematics teachers looking for creative classroom strategies to engage students should find the the ideas presented in this volume to be of use. The authors present pathways to the reform standards that have been suggested by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Case studies and sample activities that encourage the reader to think creatively about integrated curricula and classroom methods are presented throughout, and a discussion of resources includes a listing of newly available curricula.
Пособие содержит 3000 примеров на повторение и закрепление фонетического, лексического и грамматического материала, изучаемого на уроках английского языка во 2 классе. The manual contains 3000 examples on revision and consolidation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical material in the classroom to learn the English language in class 2.
This resource will help you prepare for decisions you will face as a teacher. You will learn how to be proactive and think about important issues before the school year starts. Discover successful techniques for classroom management, homework, communicating with parents, and more. Begin the year with confidence, knowing that you have a well-developed plan for running your classroom.