The Brilliant Fun Cassette contains the audio to accompany the course.
Brilliant Fun is a two level course for young children who are starting to learn English. The aim is to give children a sound enjoyable introduction to English.
There are many examples of good practices in literacy which have not fully impacted upon the ways in which we teach children with dyslexia. Dyslexia and Literacy: An Introduction to Theory and Practice provides the reader with an understanding of the most recent theoretical positions in dyslexia and literacy and how these may be applied in practice. The book critically considers the current notions of literacy, provides an understanding of literacy concepts and re-appraises what we mean by literacy. The implications of this for dyslexic children are immense as it means that assessment and support can be more embedded in the curriculum context. The role of professionals such as learning support co-ordinators and educational psychologists are discussed within current legislative and theoretical frameworks. Classroom intervention and approaches to dealing with the diverse needs presented by dyslexic children are addressed by examining individual education plans and the development of differentiated curricula in schools.
The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children - (POWERPOINT PRESENTATION + AUDIO)
Added by: Lyudmila A | Karma: 103.16 | Coursebooks, Kids, Audio | 4 November 2008
A children's dictionary that presents vocabulary within the thematic readings and offers opportunities for multi-level practise of every word introduced to help develop English language skills. It includes every vocabulary word for the 63 lessons in the dictionary which are presented in the PowerPoint Presentation with 128 slides in all, half of them with picture only and the other half with description. The slides are sorted by themes and go one after the other (1x without text / the same with text). Perfect for memorizing names of colours, parts of the body, opposites, time, clothes, feelings and much more. Designed to teach the essential vocabulary for beginners to elementary pupils, aged 5 to 8.
To the astonishment of the bus driver, Henry and Rosie are able to give their complete address, right down to their hemisphere, their planet, their solar system - and beyond. My Place in Space is the perfect way to introduce children to the wonders of astronomy. With fabulously detailed illustrations by bestselling illustrator Roland Harvey and Joe Levine, this book with enthral children and awaken their curiosity about the Universe.
Не побоюсь этого слова - настольная книга преподавателя английского, работающего с детьми 4-11 лет, коллекция хорошо известных и абсолютно новых карточных, настольных, подвижных, а также многих других игр. Кроме собственно игр, в книге вы также найдёте много практических советов
A fresh and enjoyable collection of games for children aged between 4 and 11, including card games, board games, physical games, and co-operative and competitive games. Gives helpful guidance for teachers on integrating games into the English syllabus, classroom management, adapting traditional games, and creating new games with children.