Raising an Athlete: How to Instill Confidence, Build Skills and Inspire a Love of SportThrough real-life examples and time-tested advice, this guide provides parents and coaches insights into how to deal with the challenges and pitfalls that arise as children progress in sports.
Leveled Readers provide the right level of reading support in any classroom. Leveled 'on-level' for kindergarten students, these fiction and nonfiction books help all learners build fluency, independence, and motivation for lifelong reading success.
Build Your Customer Strategy: A Guide to Creating Profitable Customer Relationships
Build Your Customer Strategy: A Guide to Creating Profitable Customer Relationships spells out how to create profitable and lasting customer relationships. It demystifies creating the great customer experience-something that everyone seems to be talking about these days-by showing you how to approach "experience" in ways your competitors haven't even thought of.
"Jonas Salk, Revised Edition" describes this respected immunologist's medical research and his lifelong efforts to promote scientific and human progress on a global scale. By chronicling Salk's story and his fight against polio, this engrossing book shows how scientists build upon the achievements of others while bringing their own perspective to the challenges they face in the laboratory and in the field.