Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 23 June 2016
Henry V (1413-22) is widely acclaimed as the most successful late medieval English king. In his short reign of nine and a half years, he re-imposed the rule of law, made the crown solvent, decisively crushed heresy, achieved a momentous victory at the battle of Agincourt (1415), and negotiated a remarkably favourable settlement for the English over the French in the Treaty of Troyes (1420). Above all, he restored the reputation of the English monarchy and united the English people behind the crown following decades of upheaval and political turmoil. But who was the man behind these achievements? What explains his success? How did he acquire such a glorious reputation?
Three kidnappings take place - one in Italy, one in England and one in the US. All three crimes are connected with horseracing, but is one man behind them all?
How much does the sky weigh? How do fish sleep? Why do boomerangs come back? These are just a few of the questions asked and answered in Can a Cow Jump? In this bookazine we’ll investigate some of the craziest questions around, diving into the science behind each and providing you with enough fascinating trivia and knowledge to last a lifetime. So, can a cow jump? Find out here!
Travel back in time to the age of the dinosaurs with the How It Works Book of Dinosaurs and discover the ""terrible lizards"" for yourself. Find out how the dinosaurs survived and thrived, about the mass extinction that ended it all and what the dinosaurs left behind for us to find. Featuring: The prehistoric world - Take a tour of prehistoric Earth and explore the dinosaurs' vast and varied habitat Dinosaurs up close - Come fact to face with the most incredible dinosaurs from Allosaurus to Zuniceratops Dinosaurs' legacy - Discover how the dinosaurs went extinct and uncover what they left behind 101 dinosaur facts - The most essential dinosaur facts that everyone must know.
As part of the Surrey Libraries' commemoration of the First World War centenary, a short-story competiton was launched. The 2 winning and 8 highly commended entries have been collated to produce this eBook. The themes vary and focus on a range of different characters who were impacted by war. Stories include those that focus on: the woman left behind and their struggle for equality; on the men going to war; battle and life in the trenches; the long term impact of war on families and relationships and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.