What, exactly, do you know about your body? Do you know how your immune system works? Or what your pancreas does? Or the myriad -- and often simple -- ways you can improve the way your body functions?
This full-color, visually rich guide answers these questions and more. Matthew MacDonald, noted author of Your Brain: The Missing Manual, takes you on a fascinating tour of your body from the outside in, beginning with your skin and progressing to your vital organs.
The latest book by Sophie Kinsella - author of Shopaholic Lara Lington has always had an overactive imagination, but suddenly that imagination seems to be in overdrive. Normal professional twenty-something young women don’t get visited by ghosts. Or do they?
The set examines the work of 136 authors, poets, and dramatists of African-American, Latino, Asian-American, Jewish-American, and Native American descent. The alphabetically arranged, signed entries are typically two-to-four pages in length and contain an average-quality, black-and-white photo of the author, biographical data, an analysis of one or two works, and a bibliography.
After taking a nasty bump on the head, Lexi Smart awakens in a hospital convinced that it's 2004 and that she's just missed her father's funeral. It's actually three years later, and she no longer has crooked teeth, frizzy hair and a loser boyfriend. Initially wowed by what she's become—a gorgeous, cut-throat businesswoman—Lexi soon finds herself attempting to figure out how it happened. As her personality change and lost memory threaten her job, Lexi tries to dredge up some chemistry with her handsome albeit priggish husband, Eric, though the effort is unnecessary with Eric's colleague Jon...
Samuel Johnson was a well-known literary figure in England. Johnson was an author, lexicographer, biographer and critic. Johnson has been quoted more than any other English author with the exception of Shakespeare. Much of Johnson`s fame is attributed to the biography done by Boswell. The biography centers on the latter part of Johnson`s life, thus Johnson has been seen more as a gruff society figure than as the struggling and poverty-stricken writer that he...