Discover Magazine gives its readers the real story: on-the-scene photography, highly personal portrait shots, and cutting edge scientific imagery. The design is elegant and refined--not dry like a textbook, not glossy and remote like a travel guide. Every issue contains a balance of big-idea, text driven stories and more image-rich features that convey the feel of where and how the most amazing research happens.
Wild Travel is your guide to the world’s most amazing wildlife encounters, with details of where to go, when to go and what you can expect to see when you get there. Features in the magazine include wildlife destination guides, trip reports from wildlife writers on location, field guides to individual species, kit reviews and wildlife photography workshops. Packed with wildlife and conservation news and recommendations from the most respected writers, photographers and tour operators in the business, Wild Travel is your ticket to enjoying many of nature’s greatest spectacles first hand.
Sky at Night magazine is your practical guide to astronomy. Each issue features the world's biggest and best night sky guide complete with star charts, observing tutorials and in-depth equipment reviews to ensure that amateur astronomers never miss those must-see events.
Scientific American Mind is a bimonthly American popular science magazine concentrated on psychology, neuroscience, and related fields. By analyzing and revealing new thinking in the cognitive sciences, the magazine tries to focus on the biggest breakthroughs in these fields. Scientific American Mind is published by Scientific American and was started in 2004.