Political Theory: The Classic Texts and Their Continuing Relevance
We all need some help in understanding the world, and that is the starting point for political theory itself. The great works of other times and places can speak to us today, wherever we are. Political theory does this better than other subjects, in part because the theorist wants us to look around and think about the specifics of the world around us, but also to lift our heads and see farther than we normally do. The theorists we will study in this course wanted very badly to reach their readers, to make them think about their world differently. They don’t tell us what to think, but we don’t see things in quite the same way after we read them.
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Sailing Alone Around the Room - New and Selected Poems
Sailing Alone Around the Room, by America’s Poet Laureate, Billy Collins, contains both new poems and a generous gathering from his earlier collections The Apple That Astonished Paris, Questions About Angels, The Art of Drowning, and Picnic, Lightning. These poems show Collins at his best, performing the kinds of distinctive poetic maneuvers that have delighted and fascinated so many readers. They may begin in curiosity and end in grief; they may start with irony and end with lyric transformation; they may, and often do, begin with the everyday and end in the infinite.
Baby Einstein: First Words Around The House. coursebook video
Baby Einstein: First Words Around The House.
Первые слова дома - с 9 месяцев. Познакомьте ребенка с 30 словами домашнего окружения. Откройте в игровой, интерактивной форме названия знакомых малышу предметов на кухне, в детской, во дворе и не только. Поставлено на прекрасной музыке Баха, Бизе, Дебьюсси, Грига и Шуберта. И, конечно, здесь есть забавные кукольные персонажи и картины реального мира.
It's a video made for babies to teach them first words - names of things in the kitchen, in the childrenroom, in the yard. With classical music it's educational, amusing, and it helps activate your child.