Angielski dla seniorów KONWERSACJE płyta 1 codzienne sytuacje (English for the Elderly CONVERSATIONS Volume 1 Everyday Situations)
"English for the Elderly CONVERSATIONS volume 1 everyday situations" is a supplementary audio course at elementary level. Tackles such issues as: accidental meeting, telephone dialogues, family reunions, everyday life, free time, and casual shopping.
Angielski dla seniorów - płyta 5 w podróży (English for the Elderly vol. 5 - 2012 edition)
English for the Elderly vol. 5 is the fifth part of the audio course at elementary level. Volume 5 covers such issues as: means of transport, weekend activities, winter holiday, previous vacation, hotel, railway station and airport.
Angielski dla seniorów - płyta 4 czas wolny (English for the Elderly vol. 4 - 2012 edition)
English for the Elderly vol. 4 is the fourt part of the audio course at elementary level. Volume 4 covers such issues as: hobbies, present day, plans and intentions, buying clothes, sport and entertainment, making appointments.
Matura 2012. Język angielski poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony (RP 22.02.2012)
A multimedia program for the learners of secondary school aiming to take the final examination in English. Covers both basic and extended versions. Complies with the requirements of 2012 exam. Contains such tasks as listening, reading, writing, speaking, and grammar.
Angielski dla seniorów - płyta 3 dom i świat (English for the Elderly vol. 3 - 2012 edition)
English for the Elderly vol. 3 is the third part of the audio course at elementary level. Volume 3 covers such issues as: home and garden, country and city, asking the way, interesting places, animals, and my homeland.