The European Americans (Multicultural America Vol.6)
Published: 2011
Language: English
Pages: 257
Long the majority of the U.S. population, EuropeanAmericansoriginally arrived on the North American continent frommanydisparate places and having myriad linguistic andculturalbackgrounds. Beginning with the English Puritans,successive wavesof immigrants have included Europeans from Ireland,Scotland,Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands hopingtoescape famine, revolution, and political or religiousoppression,as well as those simply interested in beginning a newlife. By the21st century, these communities have become a "meltingpot," evenas they maintain many of their traditional customs.
Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale (Audiobook)
All of us are involved in selling every day. Whenever we present a product or a principle, inform a client, or instruct a child, we are engaging in the art of effective persuasion. Allow America's master of the art of selling explain proven, practical sales techniques all of us can use every day. He provides vital strategies for specific closes, hundred of sales questions, and dozens of persuasion procedures to help everyone sell their ideas, or themselves. No matter what your age, gender, occupation, or lifestyle, these proven techniques from America's selling sensation can work for you.
With an accessible reading style abundant pedagogy, and reasonable price tag, MAKING AMERICA, BRIEF, is the perfect choice for inexperienced students and cost-conscious professors. The Second Edition features chapter-opening maps, timelines, and chronology charts that emphasize key developments, enhance geographical awareness, and highlight political events.