An Amateur Corpse is another fascinating Simon Brett mystery set in the backdrop of theater. Charles Paris is a part-time detective and professional actor, drawn into the affairs of an amateur theater company. Charles's friend Hugo's wife is murdered, and Hugo is charged with the crime. Paris takes on the case personally. The solution to the mystery lies in a clever double alibi. An Amateur Corpse is an absorbing and entertaining account of theatrical back staging, back scratching and backbiting.
Principles of Horticulture is an excellent introduction to a wide range of aspects of commercial and leisure horticulture. Written in a highly accessible and readable style, this book has already proved invaluable to a broad selection of readers, particularly students on horticulture courses and keen amateur gardeners. It also provides a handy basic reference for professionals.
Added by: math man | Karma: 198.35 | Periodicals | 4 March 2011
Sky at Night - March 2011
Sky at Night magazine is your practical guide to astronomy. Each issue features the world's biggest and best night sky guide complete with star charts, observing tutorials and in-depth equipment reviews to ensure that amateur astronomers never miss those must-see events.
Amateur Telescope Making in the Internet Age: Finding Parts, Getting Help, and More
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Non-Fiction, Other | 25 October 2010
Amateur Telescope Making in the Internet Age: Finding Parts, Getting Help, and More
Building an astronomical telescope offers the amateur astronomer an exciting challenge, with the possibility of ending up with a far bigger and better telescope than could have been afforded otherwise. In the past, the starting point has always been the grinding and polishing of at least the primary mirror, a difficult and immensely time-consuming process. But now that the Internet has brought us together in a global village, purchasing off-the-shelf goods such as parabolic mirrors, eyepieces, lenses, and telescope tubes, is possible.
The Sky is Your Laboratory: Advanced Astronomy Projects for Amateurs
For the experienced amateur astronomer who is wondering if there is something useful, valuable, and permanent that can be done with his or her observational skills, the answer is, "Yes, you can!" This is the book for the experienced amateur astronomer who is ready to take a new step in his or her astronomical journey. Unfortunately, there is no modern text that points curious amateur astronomers to the research possibilities that are open to them.