There are broken hearts and kisses and then weddings, so this is a story about love. There are actors who are funny because they cannot act, so it is also a story that makes people laugh. And there are fairies, spirits of the night, so it is a story about mischief and magic too. What happens when love and laughter come together with magic in an Athenian forest? A Midsummer Night's Dream was written in about 1596 and is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It has been retold for Bookworms, not as a play, but as a story.
The Skateboarder - Dominoes Starter'I love Owen's skateboarding,' Hannah thinks. 'I want to jump and do tricks, too.'When a skatepark opens near her house, Hannah is suddenly very interested in skateboarding. How do Mom, Dad, brother Evan, and cousin Justin feel about this? Who helps her? Who laughs at her?
Teaching Evidence-Based Writing: Nonfiction: Texts and Lessons for Spot-On Writing About Reading
For Evidence-Based Writing: Nonfiction, renowned teacher Leslie Blauman combed the standards and her classroom bookshelves to craft lessons that use the best nonfiction picture books, biographies, and article excerpts to make writing about reading a clear, concrete process. Students learn to analyze and cite evidence about main idea, point of view, visuals, and words and structure.
Created by an experienced classroom teacher, this resource features ready-to-go homework pages that target grade-level reading standards for both literary and informational text. Assignments include a reading passage and a short letter to families that gives directions and suggestions about how to help their children before, during, and after reading.
Brain Briefs: Answers to the Most (and Least) Pressing Questions about Your Mind
Why do we love kitten videos so much? Does time speed up as we get older? Should we play brain games? Can we make ourselves happy? Art Markman and Bob Duke, hosts of the popular Austin-based KUT radio show and podcast Two Guys on Your Head, are here to answer all your questions about how the brain works and why we behave the way we do. Featuring the latest empirical findings, this is science served up in fun and revelatory bite-size bits, along with a complete set of references for further study.