Noteworthy is the second volume in Listening and Notetaking series of THOMSON.
This book develops students listening and notetaking skills, provides insights into U.S. life and culture, and builds cross-disciplinary vocabulary. Lectures and readings on topics of universal interest provide stimulating content-based material for developing comprehension, notetaking, and academic study skills. Compelling cross-curricular lectures for stimulating, up-to-date content. Pre- and post-listening activities. Spiraled vocabulary, structures, and rhetorical patterns. Content-based units and lectures. Guided notetaking practice This book includes 5 units:The face of the people, The American Character, American trademarks, Education, The official Side.
This intermediate level aural/oral skills program teaches students to recognize and produce high frequency idioms and expressions in a range of conversational situations. This successful program stresses an inductive approach to communicating effectively in English by recognizing and producing high frequency American idioms.
A critical read offering fresh, objective look at US diversity. Well organized with abundant and useful information easy to find.
Short-term visitors to the U.S. will find advice for surviving customs and immigration, finding an apartment, doing business, obtaining health care, and navigating the supermarket, bank and post office. If you plan to stay longer, you will find practical pointers for getting along at work, school, and at home; buying a house; making and keeping American friends; and understanding dominant American values in a diverse and complex society. Living in the U.S.A. is a comprehensive guide to attitudes, customs, manners and daily life in the United States.
Книга для тех, кто хотел бы побольше узнать об Америке, американцах, их жизни и культуре. Весьма и весьма интересная книга, написанная на хорошем английском.
Links updated! Thanks to Fruchtzwerg and Dovesnake :-)
By giving rise to new ideologies that in time transformed the political structure of much of the world, the American and French Revolutions stand as two of the most important political events in global history. The American establishment of a republican government, and the gradual expansion of democracy that ensued, altered traditional political and social thought, thus shaping the later French Revolution and creating the core ethic of later American political values. The Enlightenment ideals of the French Revolution, as later spread by the armies of Napoleon, dissolved most traditional European notions of political authority. This encyclopedia offers current, detailed information on the people, events, movements, and ideas that defined the revolutions in France and America, as well as in other parts of the world during the late eighteenth-century Age of Revolutions........