101 games to help children learn and count! This is the first disc in the Play & Learn mini-series. You'll find it packed full of amazingly fun activities - all designed to encourage and entertain preschoolers.
iTutor accompanies the Student's Book to encourage home-study and further practice. With all Student's Book audio, video, grammar and vocabulary exercises in one place, catch-up, revision and home-study have never been easier. Also includes mobile content, downloadable to compatible phones to provide access to practice materials on the go.
Dr. Barbara Ann Kipfer is a Research and Dictionary Specialist with Ask Jeeves, the Internet question-answering service. She is the author of twenty-one books, including Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, 21st Century Spelling Dictionary, 21st Century Manual of Style (Dell/Laurel), The Order of Things (Random House), Dictionary of American Slang (with R. Chapman; HarperCollins), Sissons Word and Expression Locater (Prentice-Hall),
The Incredible 5 Team 1 Interactive Whiteboard SOFTWARE
The Incredible 5 Team to seria podręczników do języka angielskiego dla klas 4-6 szkoły podstawowej. Kurs kładzie nacisk na aktywną naukę języka, oferując duży zasób ćwiczeń zróżnicowanych pod względem typu i stopnia trudności. Tematy i zadania zostały dobrane i opracowane w taki sposób, by zaciekawić uczniów i zachęcić ich do nauki. Kurs jest dostępny wyłącznie w oryginalnej, międzynarodowej edycji - jego adresatami są prywatne szkoły językowe.
All in English. Level A+ for kids in primary school.
ESL Pro for Kids ESL Pro for Kids is a complete language training program designed to teach children, regardless of their native tongue, to recognize and speak the sounds of the English language in 31 easy to follow lessons. Kids will enjoy exploring the colorful interface while they improve their pronunciation. ESL Pro for Kids provides learners with their own private language lab where they can practice speaking English in the comfort, safety and privacy of their own home .