Psychology Basics
This revised title in the Magill's Choice series features 127 essays.
One-third of these topics did not appear in the previous edition of
Psychology Basics. The remaining two-thirds have the same or similar
titles but were either newly commissioned for the revision of the
larger encyclopedia or feature updated text--bringing them in line with
the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association's
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR
(2000)--and "Sources for Further Study" sections offering the latest
editions and scholarship. Additions to the Revised Edition include new
top matter, tailored subheadings guiding readers through the text,
photographs, helpful lists of diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV-TR,
and an appendix Biographical List of
with brief profiles of major figures in the field, both past and
present. As a result, Psychology Basics, Revised Edition supersedes the
previous Psychology Basics and should prove to be even more valuable.
This book written by Mark Juergensmeyer, the Director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies and Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, an expert on religious violence, conflict resolution and South Asian religion and politics, sets out to explore why, in a few extreme instances, religion is used to justify terrorism. "Terror in the Mind of God" was published in 2000, before the destruction of the World Trade Center towers, but it is extremely relevant to today's headlines...
After The Beginning In a brilliant flash about fourteen billion years
ago, time and matter were born in a single instant of creation. An
immensely hot and dense universe began its rapid expansion everywhere,
creating space where there was no space and time where there was no
time. In the intense fire just after the beginning, the lightest
elements were forged, later to form primordial clouds that eventually
evolved into galaxies, stars, and planets. This evolution is the story
told in this fascinating book. Interwoven with the storyline are short
pieces on the pioneering men and women who revealed those wonders to us.
The Crisis Of Democracy. Report on the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission
In the 1970s Samuel P.Huntington first ‘big idea' was the notion that there was a
‘crisis in democracy' which was due to a ‘democratic surge' which was
making Western-style democracies ungovernable and endangering authority
‘based on hierarchy, expertise and wealth'. The patrician Huntington
was disturbed by the demands for popular power and extended economic
rights that had grown out of the social movements of the 1960s. His
report for the Trilateral Commission rang the alarm bells about this
excess of democracy.
Международное положение, которое сложилось из-за нефтяного кризиса
(пятикратного увеличений странами ОПЕК цены на сырую нефть начиная с
октября 1973 года), описывалось марксистами как структурный кризис
капитализма, а либералами - как кризис демократии
The Bell Curve. Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life
According to
The Bell Curve, Intelligence and Class Structure in AmericanLife, by
Richard J. Herrnstein, Ph.D. Psychology, Harvard University,and Charles
Murray, Ph.D. Political Science, M.I.T., black IQ scores areso far
below white IQ scores in their distribution as to preclude
usefulAffirmative Action Programs. The reason? Only 29,000 African
Americans haveIQ levels above 130 points, the minimal level found
suitable for many executivesin business. With 15+ million businesses in
America, this leaves fewer than1 theoretically qualified African
American for each 500 businesses to serveas executives; however, more
than 20,000 of these 29,000 African Americansare under 21 years of age
and one-half of those precious few 9,000 AfricanAmericans who are
presently above 21 years of age will never earn a
universityundergraduate degree. That leaves just 4,500 African
Americans over 130IQ points with a university degree to share among 15+
million companies.this is why Affirmative Action has aided white women
and asians in achievinghigh promotions more than it has African