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Power: Why Some People Have It and Others Don't (Audiobook)

Power: Why Some People Have It and Others Don't (Audiobook)

Pfeffer (The External Control of Organizations), professor of organizational behavior at Stanford University, posits that intelligence, performance, and likeability alone are not the key to moving up in an organization; instead, he asserts, self promotion, building relationships, cultivating a reputation for control and authority, and perfecting a powerful demeanor are vital drivers of advancement and success. The book has a realpolitik analysis of human behavior that isn't for everyone but its candor, crisp prose, and forthrightness are fresh and appealing.
Structured Finance: The Object Oriented Approach

Structured Finance: The Object Oriented ApproachStructured Finance: The Object Oriented Approach

Structured Finance: The Object Orientated Approach is aimed at both the finance and IT professionals involved in the structured finance business with the intention of sharing common concepts and language within the industry. The financial community (structurers, pricers and risk managers) view structured products as collections of objects under the so-called replicating portfolio paradigm. The IT community use object oriented programming (OOP) techniques to improve the software updating and maintenance process.

Multi Asset Class Investment Strategy

Multi Asset Class Investment StrategyMulti Asset Class Investment StrategyThe book explains that instead of asset allocation being set in an isolated and arbitrary fashion, it is in fact the way in which specific hurdle investment returns can be targeted, and that this approach is already in use in the US (and has been for many years). It involves extended and detailed financial analysis of various asset class returns and proposes a five-asset class approach for future use.

The Markets Never Sleep:Global Insights for More Consistent Trading

The Markets Never Sleep:Global Insights for More Consistent TradingThe Markets Never Sleep:Global Insights for More Consistent TradingThe world's financial markets operate twenty-four hours a day. During virtually every hour of the day and night, someone, somewhere is trading—yet many U.S. traders seem oblivious to that reality, focusing only on the day markets in Chicago and New York.

Beginning the trading day with the opening bell of the NYSE, says veteran trader Thomas Busby, is like showing up for your eight-to-five job around two in the afternoon—you are very late. As he explains, trading is a twenty-four-hour game and those who understand that fact will be in a better position to limit risk, increase their trading opportunities, stay on the right side of the action, and be more consistent and profitable.
Your Financial Edge: How to Take the Curves in Shifting Financial Markets and Keep Your Portfolio on Track

Your Financial Edge: How to Take the Curves in Shifting Financial Markets and Keep Your Portfolio on TrackYour Financial Edge: How to Take the Curves in Shifting Financial Markets and Keep Your Portfolio on TrackPraise "Paul McCulley is the man to heed. His knowledge of financial markets runs deep, and his experience has been the best. Beyond all his financial and economic wisdom, he is a human being with inborn instincts of kindness and thoughtfulness-attributes that bring to the reader something richer than just hard facts and sage advice. Jonathan Fuerbringer is the perfect partner for this project, a master of lucidity and a longtime observer of the best and the worst habits of investors." -Peter Bernstein, bestselling author of Against the Gods
