Excellence for Matura - Interactive CD-ROM (only for Polish learners of English!)
Added by: LadyArvena | Karma: 28.86 | Exam Materials » Other exams | 22 November 2008 |
Excellence for Matura - CD-ROM to interaktywny egzamin maturalny dla obu poziomow. Nowe wydanie Oxford Repetytorium z języka angielskiego uznanego za najlepsze repetytorium maturalne przez nauczycieli i uczniow na uczniowskich forach internetowych. Oxford Excellence for Matura Exam Builder posiada układ tematyczny, składa się z 12 rozdziałow i zawiera wszystkie 15 tematow z maturalnego katalogu (niektore rozdziały dotyczą więcej niż jednego tematu). przygotowujących się do matury na poziomie rozszerzonym. Polish Only.
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 In a few minutes you'll be able to start practicing and testing your TOEIC vocabulary skills in both an effective and pleasant way. You will experience a new and exciting method of increasing your TOEIC word power. new tests added Thanks to msaddam! |
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Test Success: Test-Taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students
Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | Other exams, Medicine | 1 November 2008 |
 The New Edition of this popular, easy-to-use guide continues to provide invaluable test-taking tips for beginning nursing students. It teaches critical thinking, time management, and effective study habits through proven techniques that enhance classroom performance and guide students through the examination process. 800 practice questions introduce your students to all of the different testing formats. By mastering these formats, your students will improve their grades; increase their confidence; and reduce the anxiety and stress that comes with exams...throughout their nursing school studies. |
More Practise Now: How to Prepare for Recruitment and Selection Tests
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Exam Materials » Other exams | 21 October 2008 |
 More Practise Now is a companion to Practise Now!, the best-selling book that provides explanations and examples of items frequently encountered in selection and recruitment tests. More Practise Now builds on this valuable information with more practice items and sample tests spanning the wide range of item types typically found in these tests. The additional practice will help familiarise test-takers with test items, build their confidence and improve their test-taking skills. |
 Practise Now! provides a time-effective method for honing your skills and familiarising yourself with different selection test questions.
It is designed to help you to prepare for the most common kinds of questions that you may find in your selection tes, to provide you with practical help when you are preparing to take a selection test and wishing to sharpen your test-taking skills, broaden your knowledge of selection tests and build up your confidence levels. |