Added by: shine19 | Karma: 34.31 | Coursebooks, ESP, Other exams, Audio | 28 March 2009
This book provides photocopiable tests to teachers and course planners to monitor students' progress through the course. There is an entry test, some progress tests and an exit test, which reviews the work done throughout the course.
Egzamin Gimnazjalny z Jezyka Angielskiego - Arkusze Egzaminacyjne - AUDIO
Added by: shine19 | Karma: 34.31 | Other exams, Audio | 27 March 2009
Arkusze gimnazjalne to publikacja skierowana do uczniуw, ktуrzy zdają egzamin gimnazjalny z j.angielskiego. W książce znaleźć można zbiуr zadań do wszystkich części egzaminu, transkrypcję nagranych tekstуw oraz klucz z odpowiedziami.
Arkusze gimnazjalne to publikacja skierowana do uczniow, ktуrzy zdaj egzamin gimnazjalny z j.angielskiego. W ksice znale mona zbiуr zada do wszystkich czci egzaminu, transkrypcj nagranych tekstуw oraz klucz z odpowiedziami.
5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2008-2009 Edition
Added by: lucius5 | Karma: 1660.85 | Coursebooks, Other exams, Non-Fiction | 23 March 2009
We want you to succeed on your AP* exam. That's why we've created this 5-step plan to help you study more effectively, use your preparation time wisely, and get your best score. This easy-to-follow guide offers you a complete review of your AP course, strategies to give you the edge on test day, and plenty of practice with AP-style test questions.
Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Exam Materials, Other exams | 15 February 2009
The bestselling collection of practice tests is now updated to conform to the most recent version of the ACT, delivering complete preparation for every section of the exam.