"These grammar packets which I have written for my
English 1 students. These packets can be used successfully with students of
various ages, but I suggest that the packets be used with Grades 6 through
It is my hope that these packets will help teach
students correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization skills which can then
be implemented into their oral and written communication........
It has taken me over twenty-six years to write and
revise these packets, and they have been piloted among my students in many
different school districts......."
Donna Garner taught English for decades in Texas public schools
Access is a four level course. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference and combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.
Brilliant is a four-level primary English course. The fourth level (age 9-11). 8 units covering topics Activities, Ordinal numbers, Hobbies, Health, Places in town, circus, School outings, Occupations.
This book continues a series of training manuals for in-depth study of contemporary English. It represents a workshop on grammar and contains a large variety of assignments and exercises all of its major exercises razdelam.Obem given enough to ensure that skills develop and consolidate the use of grammatical forms from students during the 5-6 years of study. The allowance can be used to work in the classroom and for homework. The most complex drill fitted with keys. The workshop is designed for teachers and students in grades 6-11 high schools and schools with intensive study of English.
(98% of this book is in English)
The Gregg Reference Manual is a comprehensive
guide to the language issues that students, secretaries, writers,
editors, proofreaders, and business executives need to address every
day. The content is well organized, and an extensive index simplifies
locating the rules you need. Practical notes, useful examples, and
handy cross-references abound. Helpful proofreading, editing,
typesetting, and formatting advice is included, along with up-to-date
information on communicating in an electronic world.