Theories of Personality
Published by: vredina22062 (Karma: 5.35) on 1 May 2012 | Views: 2752 |

Front Matter 2 Preface 2 I. Introduction 7 Introduction 7 1. Introduction to Personality Theory 8 II. Psychodynamic Theories 21 Introduction 21 2. Freud: Psychoanalysis 22 3. Adler: Individual Psychology 70 4. Jung: Analytical Psychology 103 5. Klein: Object Relations Theory 141 6. Horney: Psychoanalytic Social Theory 168 7. Fromm: Humanistic Psychoanalysis 192 8. Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory 218 9. Erikson: Post−Freudian Theory 248 III. Humanistic/Existential Theories 279 Introduction 279 10. Maslow: Holistic Dynamic Theory 280 11. Rogers: Person−Centered Theory 314 12. May: Existential Psychology 347 IV. Dispositional Theories 379 Introduction 379 13. Allport: Psychology of the Individual 380 14. Eysenck, McCrae, and Costa’s Trait and Factor Theories 406 V. Learning Theories 445 Introduction 445 15. Skinner: Behavioral Analysis 446 16. Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory 483 17. Rotter and Mischel: Cognitive Social Learning Theory 515 18. Kelly: Psychology of Personal Constructs 553
Back Matter 581 References 581 Glossary 603 Photo Credits 619 Name Index 621 Subject Index 627
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Tags: personality, theory, theories, encompassing, biographical, Theories, complete |