Main page » Non-Fiction » Stikky Stock Charts: Learn the 8 major chart patterns used by professionals and how to interpret them to trade smart--in one hour
Stikky Stock Charts: Learn the 8 major chart patterns used by professionals and how to interpret them to trade smart--in one hour
Published by: JustGoodNews (Karma: 4306.26) on 12 November 2010 | Views: 1589
Read this book if you want to.... make intelligent investment decisions . minimize losses and maximize gains . time when to get in and out of investments . surprise your friends with your insight into the markets . take your first steps to understanding the world offinance. Stikky Stock Charts uses a simple, pattern-based learning method to bring a valuable skill to anyone with a ruler and an hour to spare. We took the latest research into chartpatterns and spent hundreds of hours with readers testing and simplifying it to be sure it will work for you.Includes a comprehensive Next Steps section with guides to the eight steps to begin trading, four classes of broker, major investment types, software, stock data,free sources of charts, and more.