Frommer's Istanbul
Published by: alexa19 (Karma: 4030.49) on 12 September 2010 | Views: 1292 |

* Let Frommer's Istanbul take you beyond the tourist circuit to discover the city's hidden pleasures and historical secrets. Our expert author shares her insights and opnions on buying authentic rugs and Turkish crafts, visiting a hamam, haggling in the markets, dining on street food, and avoiding time-honored scams. * Our walking tours introduce you to the city's many faces, from the back streets of ancient neighborhoods to the underground world of Byzantine ruins. * Frommer's Istanbul includes suggested itineraries for seeing the city on a tight time-budget; side trips to get you out of the city and exploring a different perspective on Turkish life; an in-depth discussion of the city's complex history and culture; and a beginner's Turkish glossary, to help you greet your Turkish counterparts in their own language.
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Tags: Istanbul, Frommer, visiting, hamam, crafts, haggling |