The dirty little secret about Penne alla Vodka is not the vodka but the hefty amount of heavy cream. Vodka is colorless, odorless, and without much flavor—not really attributes of a superstar ingredient. It’s the combination of cream and tomato sauce that gives this dish its signature flavor. The traditional cream is swapped here for low-fat Greek yogurt. --Rocco DiSpirito
* 8 ounces whole- wheat penne * 2 cups Rocco’s How Low Can You Go Low-Fat Marinara Sauce (page 206 of Now Eat This!) or store-bought low- fat marinara sauce * Pinch of crushed red pepper * One 7-ounce container 2% Greek yogurt * 1 cup chopped fresh basil * Salt and freshly ground black pepper * 6 tablespoons grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese