Cooking the Australian Way (Easy Menu Ethnic Cookbooks)
Published by: rew12rqp (Karma: 34.40) on 25 October 2009 | Views: 1495 |
Grade 3-7-- Students needing to locate distinctive national recipes may have some trouble with Australia due to its British-based diet. Many of the foods mentioned here, such as chips, fruit salad, and roast vegetables, will not be foreign or exotic to American readers. But Germaine and Burckhardt also include recipes for pavlova, anzac biscuits, lamingtons, and other uniquely Australian treats. Oddly, no recipe is provided for meat pies, although this standard food is no more difficult to prepare than kiwi tarts or egg and bacon pie. As is true for all the titles in the series, many of the recipes require extensive adult supervision and advanced cooking skills.

Tags: Cooking the Australian Way (Easy Menu Ethnic Cookbooks), people, customs, geography, history, under, under, nbspnbspnbspnbsphttpenglishtips |