MultiDimensional Mathematics - VIDEO SERIES
Published by: evgeniy222 (Karma: 164.23) on 21 October 2009 | Views: 1294 |
A highly vivid series for a wide audience. Exceptional graphics. Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed!

1 Dimension two 2 Dimension three 3 and 4 The fourth dimension 5 and 6 Complex numbers 7 and 8 Fibration 9 Proof
The series is available for direct download + a whole lot of interesting stuff.
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Tags: vertigo, Mathematical, dimension, fourth, guaranteed, links, hoster, please, provide, guaranteednbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspCould |