Product Description: This rapid access, ‘how-to’ multimedia resource offers step-by-step guidance to medical and surgical procedures commonly performed in the ambulatory setting, including ‘hot’ topics such as colonoscopy, colposcopy, no-scalpel vasectomy, dermatologic procedures, and more – all at the click of your mouse. Watch superb surgical field video clips of procedural techniques. Accompanied by professional voice-overs explaining cognitive aspects and technical ‘pearls.’ Download patient instructions and access. Stay abreast of procedural skills and enhance your practice with this state of the art reference.
* DVD: * Presents 65 video clips, to view on PC and TV, showing all the procedures you are likely to perform. * Detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to perform each procedure – in print or offline. * Includes patient teaching guides, in English and Spanish- for recommended aftercare. * ICD-9/CPT codes at your finger tips for every procedure. * Sub-surface anatomy is super-imposed on the video providing realistic representation. Unique, interactive interface allows you to select the text that you want to view while watching the video.
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